Many of you have been part of our journey towards reconciliation and peace in our congregation as we have met with the Peace Connections team from Vancouver, WA. Scott, Launda, and Rich came down in early January to meet with our congregation on a one-on-one basis, interviewing people about life as part of this congregation. Then they led a two-day seminar about peace, reconciliation, unity in Christ, and conflict management. I am pleased to announce that we have gotten a report, and a summary report, back from Peace Connections, which is based on the interviews they did. It is our hope that the Session of the church will be able to debrief this report with the Peace Connections team, and then we will be able to debrief it together as a congregation. There is not a date set yet for these gatherings, but we are looking at the last weekend in February. The church will be in contact when we have the date locked down. Everyone who has taken part in this journey is encouraged to come to the congregational gathering. In fact, anyone is welcome to come, whether or not you have been part of this journey so far. All are welcome, and hopefully, we will continue to learn more about God’s will for our community and walk towards a peaceful and loving future together.
Peace Connections
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