*Update in April on this article: Even though all of this still rings true, for the safety of our community, we are gathering online for worship for the time being. God bless*
The church has a different calling in this world than other organizations. We are to live into the reality that God is working for the reconciliation of all of creation. As the gathered people of God we recognize God’s breath of life and abounding love in our daily lives, revealing this life and love to those around us. We are not offering a commodity like a store or a service like a school. We are worshiping the God of heaven and earth, unveiling light in the darkness, hope in the midst of fear.
As we grow more and more fearful and isolated in the days and weeks with COVID-19 spreading through our community, people will long for hope and a sense of belonging. The church is by definition a group of people who get together to worship and follow God by offering hope and belonging. When things get dark, we need the light of God more than ever, not only for ourselves but for the community around us. No one else is spreading the message of a bright future, but we know that the whole world is resting in the hands of the loving and caring Lord. When the world is spreading fear, loneliness, panic, and isolation, we need to recognize our unique voice of hope and connection.
The question becomes how to do this well. We can’t go on like nothing is happening, and we have a responsibility to our whole community to follow the directions of people who know much more about this situation and disease than we do. For all the same reasons that schools and other public gatherings have shut down, we will be making some drastic changes over the next couple of weeks to do our part to try and curb the spread of COVID-19 in our community. The biggest change will come on Sunday mornings. Recognizing that there are people who are needing to find connection and hope in their lives, the pastor will be leading a modified service tomorrow. There will be no special music or musicians, no choir, no coffee hour, no passing of the peace, and very little formal liturgy. There will be prayer, singing, scripture, and sharing the good news of the gospel. Our time together for the next three Sundays will be basic and simple.
As usual, gathered worship starts at 10:00. Besides worship and other all-church gatherings, other groups of the church, including Deacons, Presbyterian Women, and bible studies will continue if the group decides to meet. This includes groups that use the space of the church on a regular basis. Please know that we strongly caution you to take precautions when you are at the church to use the soap and sanitizers provided to help keep everyone safe. Church gatherings that are postponed for the next two weeks include our staff meeting, Deacon’s Sunday, worship at the nursing homes, and the personnel meeting. Please watch for more information about other gatherings.
Also, if you are sick, or if you are in the high-risk categories for becoming sick with COVID-19, please do not take the risk of joining us. We will still be here when things clear up. We will be trying to live-stream or post the services online. Information will be given about this when we get it figured out. We are offering a time and place to gather for those who need it in these troubling times, but the decision to gather is the responsibility of each individual person and family.
As the board of elders met today to make decisions about the future of the church, we discussed not only our journey through this pandemic but also our financial future. As many of you know, our finances have been struggling for some time now. We will have more information about this in the next few days. For now, we need to ask that tithing and giving do not stop during this time of social distancing and modified worship. The loss of tithes and giving would mean devastation to our community at this time. We recognize that things at the church are unknown, but we are asking for your faith that God is out in front of us guiding us into the future of hope that is in store for us as well as your faith in us as leaders that we will be discerning and striving to follow God’s call in the days, weeks, and months to come. There will be less opportunity for many of us to put our offerings in the plate on Sunday, but there are other ways to give. You can do automatic bill pay through your bank, mail a check to the church at 227 NE 12th St, or drop off your offering during our limited office hours (see below). However, you choose to give, know that we are grateful for your tithes and offerings.
The office will continue to be staffed during its regular hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00-noon, but to protect our staff and others in the community, we are asking that you limit your business in the church office to only necessary visits. If the door is locked during our normal hours, knock on the door and our office manager will answer. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedures and plans of the church in the weeks to come, please don’t hesitate to call the church office, an elder, or the pastor. Like always, you are also encouraged to contact us for prayer and visitation. We all look forward to a time when we can gather together for community and worship without fear and worry. At this time, and forevermore, may we each know the light of Christ in all the spaces of our lives.