Godly Play
During the Winter of 2009 a wonderful memorial gift was received in honor of Bud Thommsen, a member of our church for many years. Bud loved children and valued Christian Education. This wonderful donation was blended with over $6,000 in direct donations from our congregation and we now are pleased to offer a Godly Play room. Godly Play is a wonderful way to share our faith with our children, youth, and adults. Using common language and Montessori methods we learn the stories and lessons of the bible using all the senses. Godly play starts right after the children’s moment early during our 10:00 service.
Youth Missions
The youth at our church are active in our local community. Throughout the year they raise money and goods for various organizations supporting those in need right here in Newport. In the past they have raised money and collected books for Samaritan House families; raised money and picked berries for the local food pantry; made kindness bags for the homeless; prepared Kindness Soup for local families in need; participated in Gifts For Kids, a Christmas drive for foster kids; collected supplies for the homeless and those in need; led a pet supply drive for our local animal shelter; and so much more. Our children lead by example and are excited for their upcoming mission work!
Elementary and Middle School Youth Group
First Presbyterian Church of Newport is excited to be hosting an elementary youth group (grades 3-5) and a Middle School/High School Youth Group (grades 6-12) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:00pm-7:45pm. Dinner is provided at each youth group by a participating family as well as an activity and lesson. This is an open event for youth in our area grades 3 and up. Both members and non-members are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions please contact Michelle Cottrell at mlcottrell@outlook.com
Vacation Bible School
Each year we host a Vacation Bible School for ages 4 and up. Our children enjoy a week of worship, lessons, games, and songs. This year we are excited to host Rolling River Rampage June 25-29, 2018. You can register at the church or online at our VBS website. All our welcome! If you are interested in helping or would like information please contact our Youth Director, Michelle Cottrell, and check out the preview video below from the makers of Rolling River Rampage!
At Vacation Bible school we share Bible Stories, sing together, play games, make crafts, and do science experiments while learning about God’s love for all of us!
Christmas Celebrations
Our Christmas Pageant is a tradition the children and adults in our congregation look forward to each year. The children perform the Pageant on the 1st Sunday in Advent each and help us welcome in the season while reminding us all of the reason for the celebration.
He is risen!
Easter is a special season and we love to celebrate with our church family. During service our children enjoy their Godly Play Lesson and do a simple and fun craft. After service our annual Easter Egg hunt is something our children look forward to each year. While the Congregation and guests enjoy the coffee hour after service the children find over 1000 eggs!
Fall Celebrations
October is a busy month each year for our families. First we head to the Airlie Hills Pumpkin Patch to spend an afternoon celebrating the changing season and making memories together. The Sunday before Halloween the children take over service and we decorate Geneva Hall. After service we have games, crafts, and contests for all our children and their friends.
New Member Class & Confirmation Class
If you are interested in becoming a member we offer New Member Classes as well as Confirmation Classes for youth. New Member classes are for adults and include 4 sessions where you can learn more about what it means to be a Christian and a Presbyterian. The Confirmation Classes include 6 sessions and are geared for individuals ages 12 and up that are ready to confirm their faith. Please contact Pastor Kelsey Ingalls for more information.
Adult Education
Currently adult education opportunities exist through our Book study which meets every Monday at Noon. During which we use both fiction and non-fiction novels, poetry, and other forms of media to study God’s word and understand better Gods plan for us.
We also have our Brown Bag Bible study group which meets each Wednesday also at noon. Using the lectionary readings and discussion we study the upcoming Sundays scripture, often over lunch, to help us to be better prepared some Sunday worship.