Friendship to Those in Need
At Newport First Presbyterian Church we have a long and rich history of Deacon Ministry. Our mission is to provide friendship to those who need help and to provide service to all others. Serving as a Deacon is perhaps the most rewarding work that a member of our congregation can perform.
While our actions are often invisible to others and may be small gestures in the whole scheme of life, we can and do make a difference.
In addition to regular visits and contacts with the homebound and those in care centers, Deacons may also assist with emergency requests for financial assistance.
Deacons also play a pivotal role in the everyday running of our regular and special worship services. If you ever wondered who arranges all the greeters, ushers, hospitality, and communion servers who make our services run smoothly, you now know!
Our motto is, “Once a Deacon, always a Deacon.”
The number after each persons name is the last year of their current term.

Gladys Hartsel, 2019
Abby Card, 2021
Dick Carkin, 2021
Maxene Bahr, 2019
Judy Carkin, 2021
Mary Shaller, 2019
Prayer Chain:
Margaret Mortimer, 2020
Helen Keagle, 2020
Coffee Hour: